Fly Fishing Entomology |
Site Map |
Asked Questions (about this site) |
The Basics |
Zoological Classification |
Taxonomic Structure |
Aquatic Insects |
Dobsonflies Fishflies |
Beetles |
Caddisflies |
Crickets Grasshoppers Katydids |
Damselflies Dragonflies |
Mayflies |
Moths |
Spongillaflies |
Stoneflies |
True Flies |
Wasps |
Waterbugs |
Freshwater Crustaceans |
Freshwater Shrimp (Scuds) |
Freshwater Clams |
Freshwater Earthworms |
Freshwater Snails |
Freshwater Leeches |
Aquatic Insect Metamorphic
Live Stages |
Aquatic Insect Anatomy
(Stonefly Illustration) |
Aquatic Insect Anatomy-head |
Aquatic Insect Anatomy-thorax |
Aquatic Insect Anatomy-abdomen |
Insect Recognition |
Alderfly |
Beetle |
Caddisfly |
Damselfly |
Dobsonfly |
Dragonfly |
Mayfly |
Stonefly |
True Fly |
Waterbug |
Leech |
Scud |
Query |
Common Names - A |
Common Names - B |
Common Names - C |
Common Names - D |
Common Names - E |
Common Names - F |
Common Names - G |
Common Names - H |
Common Names - I |
Common Names - J |
Common Names - K |
Common Names - L |
Common Names - M |
Common Names - N |
Common Names - O |
Common Names - P |
Common Names - Q |
Common Names - R |
Common Names - S |
Common Names - T |
Common Names - U |
Common Names - V |
Common Names - W |
Common Names - Y |
Common Names - Z |
Checklist of North American aquatic (and semi-aquatic) insects |
Coleoptera (Aquatic Beetle) |
Diptera (Aquatic True Fly) |
Ephemeroptera (Mayfly) |
Heteroptera (Aquatic True Bug) |
Hymenoptera (Parasitic Wasp) |
Lepidoptera (Aquatic Moth) |
Megaloptera (Alderfly) |
Megaloptera (Dobsonfly) |
Megaloptera (Fishfly) |
Neuroptera (Spongillafly) |
Odonata (Damselfly) |
Odonata (Dragonfly) |
Plecoptera (Stonefly) |
Trichoptera (Caddisfly) |
Taxa Dictionary for Aquatic Insects |
Taxa Dictionary - A |
Taxa Dictionary
- B |
Taxa Dictionary
- C |
Taxa Dictionary
- D |
Taxa Dictionary
- E |
Taxa Dictionary
- F |
Taxa Dictionary
- G |
Taxa Dictionary
- H |
Taxa Dictionary
- I |
Taxa Dictionary
- K |
Taxa Dictionary
- L |
Taxa Dictionary
- M |
Taxa Dictionary - N |
Taxa Dictionary
- O |
Taxa Dictionary
- P |
Taxa Dictionary
- R |
Taxa Dictionary
- S |
Taxa Dictionary
- T |
Taxa Dictionary
- U |
Taxa Dictionary
- V |
Taxa Dictionary
- W |
Taxa Dictionary
- X |
Taxa Dictionary
- Y |
Taxa Dictionary
- Z |
Entomology Terms |
Recommended Books |
Updated Taxonomy for |
Aquatic Insects of California by Usinger |
Caddisflies by LaFontaine |
Hatches II by Caucci/Nastasi |
Mayflies by Arbona |
Mayflies by Knopp/Cormier |
Mayflies of MI by Leonard/Leonard |
Nymphs by Schwiebert |
Selective Trout by Swisher/Richards |
Stoneflies by Richards/Swisher/Arbona |
The Biology Of Mayflies by
Needham/Traver/Hsu |
The Caddisfly Handbook by
Pobst/Richards |
The Hatches Made Simple by Meck |
The Mayflies Of Florida by
Berner/Pescador |
The Mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois by B. D. Burks |
Consolidated Reference
Illustration Index |
Illustrations Query |
Illustration Index - A |
Illustration Index - B |
Illustration Index - C |
Illustration Index - D |
Illustration Index - E |
Illustration Index - F |
Illustration Index - G |
Illustration Index - H |
Illustration Index - I |
Illustration Index -
K |
Illustration Index - L |
Illustration Index - M |
Illustration Index - N |
Illustration Index - O |
Illustration Index - P |
Illustration Index - R |
Illustration Index - S |
Illustration Index - T |
Illustration Index - U |
Illustration Index - V |
Illustration Index - W |
Illustration Index -
X |
Illustration Index -
Y |
Illustration Index - Z |
Descriptions |
Aquatic Insect Genera (for
Pacific NW) - linked to family, genus, species detailed descriptions |
PNW Beetles |
PNW Caddisflies |
PNW Damselflies |
PNW Dragonflies |
PNW Mayflies |
PNW Stoneflies |
PNW True Flies |
PNW Waterbugs |
N. American Mayfly Species Query |
Acentrella |
Acerpenna |
Ameletus |
Anafroptilum |
Anthopotamus |
Attenella |
Baetis |
Baetisca |
Brachycercus |
Caenis |
Callibaetis |
Caudatella |
Cinygma |
Cinygmula |
Dannella |
Diphetor |
Drunella |
Ecdyonurus |
Epeorus |
Ephemera |
Ephemerella |
Ephoron |
Eurylophella |
Heptagenia |
Heterocloeon |
Hexagenia |
Ironodes |
Isonychia |
Leptophlebia |
Leucrocuta |
Litobrancha |
Maccaffertium |
Metretopus |
Paraleptophlebia |
Plauditus |
Procloeon |
Pseudocloeon |
Rhithrogena |
Serratella |
Siphlonurus |
Siphloplecton |
Stenacron |
Stenonema |
Teloganopsis |
Timpanoga |
Tricorythodes |
Geographic Distribution |
State of Washington
- by County |
N. American
Mayfly Distribution Query |
N. American Caddisfly Distribution Query |
N. American Stonefly Distribution Query |
Italian Mayfly Distribution |
Japanese Mayfly Distribution |
S. American
Mayfly Distribution Query |
Identification |
Adult Mayfly Identification |
Adult Caddisfly Identification |
Stonefly Identification |
WA Stream (macro-invertebrate) Life |
WA Hatch (aquatic
insect emergence) Chart |
PNW Genera |
PNW Beetles |
PNW Caddisflies |
PNW Damselflies |
PNW Dragonflies |
PNW Mayflies |
PNW Stoneflies |
PNW True Flies |
PNW Waterbugs |
Articles (by author of site)
appearing in Hatches Magazine |
The Hendrickson Hatch -
Spring, 2005 |
Adult Mayfly Identification - January, 2006 |
Entomology Bookcase - December, 2006 |
Responses to (Email and Forum) Questions |
Aquatic Insect 6/23/07 * |
SE MN Mayfly Hatch Density Decline 2/16/07 * |
Hex 1/21/07 * |
Vermont Mayfly 12/5/06 |
Oregon Caddisfly ID
11/16/06 * |
Ephemera danica 10/5/06 |
Italian "Arenanna" Mayfly
8/29/06 |
Wyoming Stonefly
7/4/06 * |
Caddis/Entomology 5/27/06 * |
Caddisfly 5/22/06 * |
Giant Black
Stoneflies 5/12/06 * |
Mystery Species 5/7/06 * |
Mayfly 5/6/06 * |
Mayfly Sighting 5/2/06 * |
Dun vs. Spinner 5/2/06 * |
Mayfly ID
3/23/06 * |
Mayfly Names
2/20/05 * |
Coast Hatches
3/18/06 |
Entomology Knowledge 03/01/06 |
Caddis ID
02/12/06 * |
Color of Shuck 02/01/06
* |
Callibaetis Pronunciation
1/25/06 * |
Emergence Chart Feedback 1/10/06 * |
Matching The Hatch 12/21/05 * |
W. Virginia Hatch Chart 12/3/05 |
Italian Mayfly 11/28/05 * |
Hatches and Bass 11/13/05 * |
Macro-invertebrate Websites 10/8/05 |
Red Quill (western) 9/26/05 |
Insect & Imitation 9/14/05 |
UK Mayfly
8/28/05 |
Tiny Mayfly Spinner 8/24/05 |
Microns and Hellgrammites 8/22/05 |
Drake 8/2/05 |
Au Sable Mayfly
7/27/05 * |
Missouri Mayfly 6/15/05 |
Crazy Bug
5/12/05 * |
Western Leadwing 6/3/05 |
Midge 5/20/05 * |
Mother's Day Caddis 5/6/05 * |
Little BWOs 5/6/05 |
Looking for Pictures of March Brown
4/26/05 * |
Siphlonurus 4/5/05 |
Life Cycle 1/2/05 * |
Emergence Behavior 11/23/04 * |
Damselfly Nymph
5/29/04 * |
Recommended Websites |
Entomology Forums |
Taxonomy |
Aquatic Invertebrates |
Aquatic Insects |
Mayflies |
Caddisflies |
Stoneflies |
Dragonflies/Damselflies |
Alderflies/Dobsonflies/Fishflies |
Aquatic Bugs |
Aquatic True Flies |
Beetles |
Aquatic Moths |
Non-Insect Macros |
Biological Latin |
Systematics |
Water Conservation |
Miscellaneous |
Fly Pattern - Olive Willy |