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Flyfishing Entomology |
Terms |
abdomen | third (of three) major body segment of insects |
aerobic | living in an environment where free oxygen is used for respiration |
aestivation | passing hot or dry periods in a torpid state |
air straps | a pair of abdominal segment 8 appendages of giant waterbugs used for respiration |
alate | winged |
algae | aquatic plants having chlorophyll, and not having true roots, stems, or leaves |
ametabolous | without change in body form during development to adult |
amorphous | not having any definite form |
anaerobic | not requiring free oxygen for respiration |
anal | pertaining to the most posterior part of the body |
anal vein | the 6th major longitudinal vein of insect wings |
anastomosed | crisscross-like network of veins, usually in stigmatic area of wing |
annulated | having ring-like segments |
antenna | a variously shaped appendage of the head |
anterior | the forward part of the body |
apex | tip, end, or highest point of structure |
apical | at the end or tip of a structure |
apolysis | separation, but not casting off, of larval integument from pupal integument |
apotome | small plate in middle of underside of head |
apterous | being wingless |
aquatic | living in or on water |
basal | at the base of a structure |
benthic | bottom-dwelling organisms |
bifid | coming to two distinct points |
binomial | scientific name, composed of genus and species |
bivoltine | two generations completed in a single year |
brachypterous | having shortened wings |
bristle | a stiff, short, blunt hair |
brood | a clutch of individuals that hatch at the same time from eggs of one set of parents |
bulla | bubble node or blister usually found midway along the subcostal vein of insect wing |
burrower | a benthic insect that tunnels into the soft bottom substrates |
campodieform | grub-like (as are some caddisfly larvae) |
carapace | a hardened shield covering part of the body dorsally |
carnivor | an insect that feeds off living animal material |
caudal | pertaining to the anal end of the insect body |
cerci | slender segmented (normally paired) appendages on the 10th abdominal segment |
cervical | pertaining to area immediately behind head and before thorax |
cervix | the neck, or especially the back of the neck of insects |
chitin | a hard secretion of the epidermis, major component of arthropod cuticle |
chloride | cells whose function is uptake of ions from the water |
collar | rounded or flattened anterior margin of prothorax |
clasper | paired, jointed structure of male adult mayfly used to clasp female abdomen during mating |
clavopruina | white frosted valley on forewing of adult waterboatmen |
climber | a benthic insect that commonly resides on aquatic plant stems, etc. |
clinger | a benthic insect that clings steadfastly to substrates |
coleopteroid | beetle-like in form, referring to structure of forewings |
costa | the 1st longitudinal wing vein; the thickened front margin of the wing |
coxa | the basal, or first, segment of the leg |
CPOM | coarse particulate organic matter (organic particles > 1 mm.) |
crochets | curved hooks, spines or spinules on prolegs |
cross-veins | transverse wing veins that link the longitudinal veins |
cubitus | the 5th longitudinal vein of insect wings |
culm | the stem of grasses or sedges |
cutaneous | term for respiration where insects obtain oxygen directly through body wall |
cuticle | the external skeletal structure composed of chitin and protein |
denticles | tooth-like projections |
detritivore | an eater of organic detritus of plant or animal origin |
detritus | dead and decomposing plant or animal material |
diapause | resting stage with reduced metabolic activity |
diatom | a unicellular form of algae |
diel | pertaining to a 24-hour period or a regular occurrence in every 24-hour period |
dimorphic | male and female differ considerably |
disjunct | separated |
distal | at or toward the end of a structure |
diurnal | active during daylight hours |
dorsal | pertaining to the top or upper surface |
ecdysis | the casting off of the larval integument |
eclosion | the process of hatching from the egg |
ecology | pertaining to the relationships of organisms and their environment |
ecosystem | all of the component organisms of a community and their environment |
elytra | the front chitinous wings of beetles which cover and protect the hind wings |
emergence | transformation to the adult stage |
entomology | the study of insects |
epiproct | a dorsal relic of abdominal segment 11 |
eruciform | caterpillar-like (as are some caddisfly larvae) |
eutrophic | an aquatic environment rich in nutrients and biological productivity |
exoskeleton | the external body wall of arthropods |
exuvia | a cast skin or nymphal shuck |
eyespot | a single eye or eyelike structure found on the head |
facet | lens-like divisions of compound eyes |
femur | the third (often stoutest) segment of an insect leg, following the coxa and trochanter |
fibrils | threadlike gill filaments of some mayfly nymphs |
file | a toothed or ridged structure used in sound production by contact with a scraper |
flagellum | the third part of an antenna, distal to the scape and pedicel |
forceps | clasping projections from the posterior of an adult male mayfly's abdomen |
fossorial | adapted for burrowing or digging, as in fore tibia of burrowing mayfly |
FPOM | fine particulate organic matter (organic particles > 5 um. & < 1 mm.) |
frenulum | spines or bristles on costa of hind wing that lock with forewing retinaculum in flight |
ganglia | collection of nerve cells acting as center of nervous influence |
generation | the complete life cycle of an insect |
genitalia | external sexual organs or structures |
geotropic | responding to gravity |
gills | respiratory appendages of nymphs |
gravid | having fertilized eggs |
halteres | the modified hind wings of Diptera, acting as a balancers |
head | the most anterior region of an insect's body |
hemelytron | the partially thickened forewing of waterbugs |
hemimetabolous | undergoes incomplete metamorphosis (no pupal stage) |
hemolymph | the internal body fluids of arthropods |
herbivore | a plant feeder, specifically of living plant tissue |
hindlegs | the pair of legs projecting from an insect's metathorax |
holometabolus | undergoes complete metamorphosis (including pupal stage) |
hyaline | glassy, transparent, usually in reference to wings of spinner |
hypopharynx | an insect's "tongue" used for manipulating food in the mouth |
imago | the adult stage of an insect |
incubation | period during egg stage necessary for development and subsequent eclosion |
instar | insect between two molting events |
integument | the outer covering of the living tissues of an insect, epidermis plus cuticle |
intercalary | in mayfly, short veins not connected to main longitudinal veins |
intermittent | description of streams with water flow only part of the year |
interstitial | located in small or narrow space (crevice) between objects |
labium | the lower lip of an insect |
labrum | the upper lip of an insect |
lacinia | apex of the maxilla |
lamella | a leaflike gill located at the end of the abdomen of damselfly nymphs |
lanceolate | lance-like, as in gills of some mayfly nymphs |
larva | first major mobile life stage or form of insects |
lateral | at or toward the sides |
lentic | aquatic environments with nonflowing water |
ligula | tongue or strap-like central appendage of the labium |
limnetic | open-water zone of lakes beyond zone of emergent vegetation |
littoral | near-shore zone of ponds and lakes |
lotic | aquatic environments with flowing water |
macropterous | having long wings |
macrovore | an insect whose food items are generally larger than 10 cubic microns |
maggot | a legless larval insect, usually with a reduced head, frequently a fly. |
mandibles | the first pair of jaws in insects |
maxilla | second pair of jaws of mandiblulate insects |
media | the 4th major longitudinal vein of insect wings |
medial | at or toward the midline of the body |
merovoltine | one generation completed in (three or more) years |
mesonotum | top or dorsal area of mesothorax |
mesosternum | bottom area of mesothorax from which middle pair of legs are attached |
mesothorax | the second (middle) thoracic segment |
metamorphosis | series of changes an insect passes through during development from egg to adult |
metanotum | top or dorsal area of metathorax |
metapleuron | in mayfly, side area of metathorax, from which base of hind wings are attached |
metathorax | the third thoracic segment |
microboita | microscopic organisms |
microvore | an insect whose food item are generally less than 10 cubic microns |
midge | a generic term used to describe any minute insect |
midlegs | the pair of legs projecting from an insect's mesothorax |
miner | an insect that feeds on leaf tissue by tunneling within the leaf itself |
molting | the formation of a new cuticle followed by ecdysis |
morphology | the study of the structure and form of organisms |
mutic | without spines |
naiad | larval stage of insects with incomplete metamorphosis |
natant | floating, the emergent nymphal stage |
natorial | fitted for swimming, generally applies to swimming legs in aquatic bugs |
notum | dorsal surface of a body segment |
nymph | larval stage of an insect which undergoes incomplete metamorphosis |
ocelli | simple eyes consisting of a single beadlike lens |
oligotrophic | an aquatic environment having a low level of nutrients and biological productivity |
omnivore | an animal that eats both living plant and living animal matter |
operculate | having a flap-like gill covering succeeding gills as in some mayfly nymphs |
organism | any living individual plant or animal |
ova | eggs of female adult |
oviposition | the act of laying eggs |
ovipositor | specialized structure of female adults of certain insects used to lay or deposit eggs |
ovoviviparity | eggs remain in female until the hatch or are about to hatch |
pala | hair fringed tarsus of adult waterbug |
palp | a segmented finger-like appendage attached to the maxilla or labium |
papilla | a thin walled structure of certain insects and used for ion uptake |
paraproct | ventral relics of abdominal segment XI |
parthenogenic | refers to reproduction without mating or egg fertilization |
pectinations | toothed, comblike spines in tarsal claw |
pedicel | the second antennal segment |
palagic | living in open oceans or seas |
penes | paired structures of male for transfer of sperm to female eggs |
periphyton | a complex matrix of algae and heterotrophic microbes attached to submerged objects |
petiole | the stalk by which a leaf is attached to the stem |
pharate | the newly formed adult that still resides within the pupal skin |
pheromone | insect-produced chemical signaling its presence to other members of same species |
phoretic | use of one organism by another as a means of transportation |
phototactic | responding to light |
plankton | organisms that live suspended in water and have little or no power of locomotion |
plastron | a thin film of air held by many tiny unwettable hairs |
plueon | the lateral region of any segment of the insect body |
polypod | a type of larva with jointed legs on the thorax and prolegs on the abdomen |
polyvoltine | more than one generation completed per year |
posterior | the hind part of the body |
posterolateral | referring to the back and sides |
prey | an animal attacked and eaten by a predator |
proboscis | elongate mouthparts |
profundal | pertaining to the deep-water zone of lakes below the depth of light penetration |
proleg | a fleshy, unsegmented, leglike structure of a larva |
pronotum | dorsal area of prothorax |
propleuron | side area of prothorax |
prosternum | bottom surface of prothorax, from which forelegs are attached |
prothorax | the first thoracic segment |
proximal | the part of an appendage closer to or at the body (opposite to distal) |
pupa | the life stage that immediately precedes adult in an insect with complete metamorphosis |
puparium | the thickened and hardened larval skin in which the pupa is formed |
pupation | the act of becoming a pupa |
quadrate | more-or-less square-shaped |
radius | the 3rd major longitudinal vein of insect wings |
raptorial | adapted for seizing prey |
rheophilic | found in flowing waters, usually with strong currents |
riparian | typically occurring or growing along the banks or rivers or streams |
saltatorial | adapted for jumping or springing |
saprophagous | an eater of decaying organisms |
scale | a flat unicellular outgrowth of the body wall |
scape | the first segment of the antenna |
scavenger | a feeder on dead animals |
sclerite | a plate on the body wall surrounded by membrane or sutures |
sclerotized | definite hardened areas of the insect exoskeleton |
scraper | the ridged surface drawn over a file to produce stridulatory sounds |
screen | basic device for sampling aquatic insect life in a stream |
scutellum | in beetle adults, a small dorsal, triangular area found medially at the base of the elytra |
scutellum | in caddisfly adults, a large dorsal area on the mesothorax behind the pronotum |
scutum | the medial, posterior, and dorsal area of the mesothorax of caddisfly adults |
sector | a major wing-vein branch and all of its subdivisions. |
semi-aquatic | living in saturated soils, but not immersed in free water |
semivoltine | one generation completed in two years |
sessile | attached and incapable of actively moving from place to place |
seston | all of the suspended solid matter in a column of water |
setae | sclerotized hair-like projections |
shuck | the empty exoskeleton left behind after molting occurs |
silt | substrate material composed of very small particles |
sinuate | bending or curving as opposed to straight |
species | a group of alike individuals that can interbreed producing fertile offspring |
spine | a multicellular unjointed cutecular extension, often thorn-like |
spiracle | external opening of the tracheal system along the body wall |
sprawler | a benthic insect that crawls about on substrates |
stadium | the time interval between two larval instars |
stemmata | the simple lateral eyes of insect larvae with complete metamorphosis |
sterna | the ventral or bottom surface of body segments |
sternite | the ventral plate of an abdominal segment |
stridulation | the production of sound by rubbing two rough or ribbed surfaces together |
strigil | sound producing file on the abdomen on adult waterbug |
subcosta | the 2nd major longitudinal vein of insect wings |
subimago | a fully winged stage that precedes the adult in mayflies |
substrate | the bed or bottom of an aquatic environment |
suture | a line or slight furrow in the body wall |
suture | an external groove that may show the fusion of two plates |
swarm | an aggregation of insects, often for the purpose of mating |
symbiotic | living in close association or contact with another species |
synonym | one of two or more names that apply to the same species |
systematics | the science of biological classification |
tagma | segments that become fused to form a distinct region |
tarsus | third major leg segment, distal to the tibia |
taxon | a named group of organisms (species, genus, family, etc.) |
taxonomy | the theory and practice of naming and classifying organisms |
tegmina | thick, leathery hardened fore wings |
teneral | the adult insect shortly after emergence, before hardening and full coloration |
terga | the dorsal or upper portion of body segments |
tergite | upper or dorsal surface of an individual abdominal segment |
tergum | the dorsal or upper portion of any body segment |
terminal | pertaining to the posterior end of the body or distal end of a structure |
terrestrial | living on land or in the air, as opposed to aquatic |
thorax | second (of three) major body segments |
tibia | the fourth major leg segment distal to the femur |
tolerance | the degree to which an organism is able to endure certain environmental factors |
trachea | an internal elastic air tube used for transporting oxygen |
transverse | at right angles to the longitudinal axis |
trivoltine | three generations completed in a single year |
trochanter | the segment of the insect leg between the coxa and femur |
trochantin | a separate small platelike appendage in caddisfly larvae |
trophic | the relative position in the food web in terms of securing nutrients |
truncate | squared off or blunt at end |
tubercle | a rounded eminence or nodule |
turbinate | in adult mayfly eyes; faceted part on a stalk-like platform |
tusks | paired horn-like prominence extending from head of burrowing mayfly |
univoltine | only one generation completed in a single year |
urogomphus | process on terminal abdominal segment of certain insect larvae |
veinlet | short vein in wing that leads from a major longitudinal vein to the wing margin |
venation | structural network of veins in wing |
ventral | pertaining to the bottom or underside |
vernal | temporary or existing only part of the year |
vestigal | an appendage surviving in a dwarfed or degenerate form |
villopore | a ventral patch of stiff hairs at the base of the femur of a mayfly's foreleg |
voltinism | pertaining to the number of generations per year (or years) |
xylophagous | wood eating |
zygote | a fertilized egg |
Created: 08/04/2004 Last modified: 09/26/2024