

Flyfishing Entomology


Re: Looking for Pictures of March Brown


From: Jarrod
Posted: April 06, 2005 07:37 PM on www.FlyTyingForum.com

looking for pictures of the different stages of the march brown..any help would be greatly appreciated!


March Brown is the common name for numerous mayfly species. If you lived in a western state, it would likely be Rhithrogena morrisoni. However, in the southeast, it is likely Stenonema vicarium, which has recently been reclassified as Maccaffertium vicarium, but that's another story.

In any event, the best way to access insect photos on the internet is to Google Images on the scientific name, which in this case would be Stenonema vicarium. When you do that, you will pull up a bunch of thumbnail photos of nymphs, duns, and spinners.

Pictures found on the internet should be assumed to be copyright protected. Therefore, using them for any commercial purpose without specific prior permission is unwise.

Hope this helps.

To view the full thread, click Fly Tying Forums > Entomology > good pics of march brown nymphs.

Created: 01/19/2006   Last modified: 08/25/2006    www.FlyfishingEntomology.com