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Flyfishing Entomology |
Pacific Northwest Stoneflies (Plecoptera) |
Capniidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Capniidae | Slender Winter | Abdominal terga widest posterially; paraglossa and glossa about equal in length. | . |
Bolshecapnia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Bolshecapnia | . | . | . |
Capnia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Capnia | . | . | Length: 5 - 10 mm. Occur in cold, clear, rocky bottomed, small to midle-sized streams, winter month emerger.. |
Species | pileata | Birdhead Snowfly. | . | Length: 5 - 10 mm. Epiproct resembles duck head. Emergence: Jan - Apr.. |
Capnura | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Capnura | . | Epiproct is divided into an upper and lower limb, neither laterally divided.. | Males w/ wing shortening; found in small and ephemeral streams draining foothill regions. |
Isocapnia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Isocapnia | . | Have long vertical swimming hairs fringing cerci. | . |
Mesocapnia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Mesocapnia | . | Males w/epiproct tip constricted as a narrow spine; females w/nipple on midline of subgenital plate projecting to rear. | Some species have shortened wings, with shortening more noticible in males than females. |
Paracapnia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Paracapnia | . | Both adults and nymphs exhibit extreme harriness, even in 1st instar. | Males have thin, tubular epeproct, regularly have shortened wings, while females are usually long-winged. |
Utacapnia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Utacapnia | . | Found in high mountains with some species encountered on wave-washed rocky beaches of lakes. | Epiproct divided into upper and long to very long lower limb, w/upper limb often divided into horn-like projections. |
Chloroperlidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Chloroperlidae | Green | Nota usually w/o pigmented pattern; tails 3/4 or less than len of abdomen; abdominal terga widest posteriorly; maxillary palpapical segment small, not in line. | Forewing w/short, basally detached, single or double marginal intercalaries; veins MA2 and MP2 detached basally from their respective stems; hind wings small or absent; penes of male membranous; eyes of male turbinate.. |
Alloperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Alloperla | . | Apical cercal segs fringed w/long setae. | Slender, green or yelow, males w/small epiprocts, broadly rounded hermitegal lobes, lack other abdominal processes.. |
Species | severa | Western Sallfly. | . | Length: 10 - 15 mm. Bright green w/no dark abdominal markings; (m) w/small rounded apical section of epiproct; (f) w/wide triangular subgenital plate projecting beyond posterior margin of abdominal segment 9. Emergence: May - Sep.. |
Bisancora | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Bisancora | . | . | . |
Haploperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Haploperla | . | . | Lacks anal fold on rear wings, has obscure brown abdominal stripe; males w/ simple tab-like epiprocts, females w/short rounded subgenital plates. |
Species | chilnualna | Yosemite Sallfly. | . | Length: 6 - 10 mm.. |
Kathroperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Kathroperla | . | Both nymphs and aults recognized by long narrow head with the eyes located about midlength; males w/well developed vesticle on 9th segment. | Long yellow-brown head ww/black margin and pronotum striped w/yellow and black. |
Species | perdita | Longhead Sallfly. | . | Length: 20 - 28 mm. Emergence: Apr thru May.. |
Species | takhoma | Slenderhead Sallfly. | Male w/vesticle rounded apically & strongly narrowed basally, basal cercal segs greater than or equal to 3x long as wide; fm subgenital plates reach posterior margin 9th sg. | Length: 20 - 28 mm. Striped on head and thorax. Emergence: Apr - May. |
Neaviperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Neaviperla | . | . | . |
Species | forcipata | Forceps Sallfly. | . | Basal cercal segment at least 3 times as long as wide. In males, segment bears a basal spine, is swollen apically, and epiproct large and unusually shaped for a Chloroperlid.. |
Paraperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Paraperla | . | . | Adults dark w/ eyes set forward from hind margins of head; males w/slender epiproct recessed into the partially cleft 10th tergum.. |
Species | frontalis | Hyporheic Sallfly. | . | Length: 13 - 18 mm. Males w/lateral stylets and epiproct tip often sharply bent. Emergence: Apr - Jul.. |
Species | wilsoni | Chilliwack Sallfly. | . | . |
Plumiperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Plumiperla | . | . | Adults are yellow w/narrow, dark median pronotal and abdominal stripes; similar to Triznaka but lack Triznaka adults' dark pigment head spots. |
Species | diversa | Margined Sallfly. | . | Length: 10 - 15 mm. Males w/tab-like, almost quadrate epiproct epex. Emergence: May - Jul. |
Suwallia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Suwallia | . | . | Length: 10 - 15 mm. Adults yellow w/dark pronotal margins and abdominal stripes. Males w/ small eppiprocts & finger-like hemitergal lobes. Females w/ relatively large subgenital plates. Emergence: Jul - Aug.. |
Species | forcipata | Forceps Sallfly. | . | . |
Sweltsa | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Sweltsa | . | . | Adults typically have dark pigment on the head & thorax, usually w/abdominal stripe; male w/ large epiprocts & small dorsal process on 9th segment. |
Species | adamantea | Washington Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | borealis | Boreal Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | coloradensis | Colorado Sallfly. | . | Length: 10 - 15 mm. Dark marking on head & projotal disc, males w/broadly flattened epiproct w/upturned tip. Emergence: Apr - Aug.. |
Species | exquisita | Exquisite Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | fidelis | Mountain Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | lamba | Rheocrene Sallfly. | . | Length: 10 - 15 mm. Pattern of dark markings on head and pronotum. (m): broad epiproct w/prominent mid-dorsal carina; apex hooked & small process on segment 9. (f): subgenital plate broadly rounded. Emergence: May - Sep.. |
Species | occidens | Alpine Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | oregonensis | Oregon Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | pacifica | Pacific Sallfly. | . | . |
Species | pastina | . | . | . |
Species | revelstoka | Canadian Sallfly. | . | . |
Triznaka | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Triznaka | . | . | . |
Utaperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Utaperla | . | . | . |
Leuctridae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Leuctridae | Rollwinged | Apbominal segments essentially parallel-sided. | . |
Despaxia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Despaxia | . | Male lacks vesicle & dorsal lobes, single cercal segments long & poorly sclerotized, single paor of slender processes arise from 10th stermum and curve upward over abominal apex.. | . |
Species | augusta | Smooth Needlefly. | . | . |
Megaleuctra | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Megaleuctra | . | . | Collected around spring seeps, 6 veins in hw anal region, long ovipositor-like female subgenital plate. |
Species | stigmata | Giant Needlefly. | . | . |
Moselia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Moselia | . | . | Have white patchess of pigment on the wing margins; males w/long & hairy cersal segment; females with midian projection in the subgenital plate notch. |
Species | infuscata | Hairy Needlefly. | Abundant around springs & small streams of Coast & Cascade Mtns.. | Length: 6 - 10 mm. Emergence: Mar - Aug. |
Species | collaris | . | . | . |
Species | utahensis | Utah Needlefly. | . | . |
Nemouridae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Nemouridae | Spring Stoneflies | Extended hind legs reaching approx. to end of abdomen; tarsal seg 2 much shorter than 1. | Single segment tarsi; fws w/x-pattern of veins at cord, males w/commplex sclerotized epiproct, well dev paraprocts, slender vesicle on 9th sternum. |
Amphinemura | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Amphinemura | . | Multi-branched cervical gills w/filaments arising separately from gill bases. | . |
Species | banksi | Rockies Forestfly. | . | Length: 8 - 10 mm. Emergence: Jul thru Aug.. |
Eucapnopsis | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Eucapnopsis | . | . | Have shortened cerci with fewer than 11 segments resulting from breakage during metamorphosis to adult. Wings dark brown.. |
Species | brevicauda | . | . | Length: 5 - 10 mm. Has globular forward directed epiproct. Emergence: Feb - Jul.. |
Lednia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Lednia | . | . | . |
Species | tumana | Mist Forestfly. | . | . |
Malenka | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Malenka | . | Males w/ dorsal lobes on cerci, females w/nipple-like projection on 7th sternum. | Branched cervical gills occur on nymphs and adults, but branches arise from a stalked base. |
Species | depressa | Bluntlobe Forestfly. | . | Length: 8 - 10 mm. Male cercal lobes large, lightly sclerotized, bluntly rounded; paraprocts forked mid-length. Emergence: Mar thru Dec.. |
Species | spiniloba | Spiny Forestfly. | . | . |
Ostrocerca | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Ostrocerca | . | Adults and nymphs lack gills, males recognized by elongate curved cerci and swollen terminal abdominal segments. | . |
Species | dimicki | Hooked Forestfly. | . | . |
Species | foersteri | Cascades Forestfly. | . | . |
Podmosta | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Podmosta | . | Small, lack gills, male cerci unmodified. | Male epiproct is a short thick, complex structure; females usually recognized ba a median sclerotized band on 8th sternum. |
Species | decepta | Least Forestfly. | . | . |
Species | delicatula | Delicate Forestfly. | . | Length: 6 - 9 mm. (m): epiproct broad basally, bears a dorsoapical pair of blunt fork-like processes. (f); median sclerotized bond on sternum 8 narrow, extends across most or all of the segment. Emergence: Apr - Aug.. |
Species | obscura | Brown-veined Forestfly. | . | . |
Prostoia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Prostoia | . | Nymphs lack gills; male cerci unmodified.. | Wings are banded. (m): epiproct long, apically pointed, bears pair of small basal processes.. |
Species | besametsa | Banded Forestfly. | . | Length: 6 - 10 mm. (m): balal process of epiproct smaller in this species than other Prostonia. Emergence: Mar - Aug.. |
Soyedina | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Soyedina | . | Gills are absent; male cerci unmodified. | Wings uniformly brown, and in forewings, veins A1 and A2 join before reaching the wing margin; paraprocts large & uniproct typically projects to rear. |
Species | interrupta | Broken Forestfly. | . | . |
Species | producta | Knobbed Forestfly. | . | . |
Visoka | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Visoka | . | Adults and nymphs have branched submental gills, and males have small cerci with delicate apical hooks. | . |
Species | cataractae | Cataract Forestfly. | . | . |
Zapada | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Zapada | . | Most species of Zapada have four unbranched gills in the neck region; male cerci are unmodified and the epiproct is often robust. | . |
Species | cinctipes | Common Forestfly. | Either 3 or 4 unbranched (cervical) gills in neck region. | Length: 8 - 10 mm. Emergence: Mar - Aug.. |
Species | columbiana | Columbian Forestfly. | . | . |
Species | frigida | Frigid Forestfly. | Only Z. species w/o mottled or banded wings. | Length: 8 - 10 mm. Emergence: Mar - Aug.. |
Species | oregonensis | Oregon Forestfly. | Cervical gills unbranched & w/constrictions beyond the base.. | Length: 9 - 13 mm. (m): epiproct membranous dorsally & ovoid in lateral view. Emergence: Apr - Jul. |
Peltoperlidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Peltoperlidae | Roachlike | . | . |
Sierraperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Sierraperla | . | Common in wood and rocks on splash zone of springs in headwaters of Sacramento River; have curled & forked finger-like gills, pointed abdominal apex. | Have short 10 or 11 segmented cerci laking long ventral setae. |
Species | cora | Giant Roachfly. | . | . |
Soliperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Soliperla | Pale Brown Roachfly. | Robust nymphs w/pale spots on several anterior abdominal segments. | Pale yellow-brown w/distinctive median dark stripe on prothorax. |
Species | campanula | Hood Roachfly. | Occur in spalsh zones of tributary streams in Columbia River Gorge and on Mt. Hood. | Length: 15 - 20 mm. Emergence: May - Jul.. |
Species | fenderi | Rainier Roachfly. | Occur in small spring seeps which enter streams such as St. Andrews Creek on Mt. Rainier. | Length: 15 - 20 mm. Females have v-shaped notch on the subgenital plate. Emergence: Jun - Jul.. |
Species | quadrispinula | Four-spined Roachfly. | . | . |
Species | tillamook | Tillamook Roachfly. | Found on northwestern Oregon costal range.. | . |
Yoraperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Yoraperla | . | Dark brown nymphs bear rows of long setae on their femora; males have short 7-segmented cerci; females have dark bar-like areas on the 9th ab sternum. | . |
Species | brevis | Least Roachfly. | Hind margin of the plate (on the underside of the thorax between the last pair of legs) curves inward.. | . |
Species | mariana | Brown Roachfly. | Hind margin of the plate (on the underside of the thorax between the last pair of legs) is straight.. | . |
Species | nigrisoma | Black Roachfly. | Males w/narrow somewhat triangular shaped vesticle. | Length: 8 - 15 mm. Emergence: Apr - Jul.. |
Species | siletz | Costal Roachfly. | . | . |
Perlidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Perlidae | Common | Head w/variable color patterns; finely branched gills only on sides of throacic segments, never extending to abdominal segments. | Called "Golden Stones". |
Calineuria | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Calineuria | . | Resemble Acroneuria, but males have long, rectangular hammer; lack anal gills, but have irregular row of peg sensilla behind ocelli. | . |
Species | californica | Western Stone. | Body mottled tan & brown. Habitat preference: fast rocky runs & riffles.. | Length: 20 - 30 mm. Body color: Golden yellow. Males w/slender finger-like paraprocts, females w/unproduced subgenital plate. Emergence: Jun thru Jul.. |
Claassenia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Claassenia | . | Predatious; brightly patterned; anal gills; regularly spaced row of peg sensilla behind ocelli. | Males short-winged, have finger-like hemitergal processes on 10th seg, oval hammer on 9th seg; females fully winged & subgenital plate is unproduced. |
Species | sabulosa | Summer Stone. | Has an M-shaped mark on the front of its head and a complete row of spines on the back of its head.. | Length: 25 - 33 mm. Emergence: Jun - Aug. |
Doroneuria | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Doroneuria | . | Has large area of yellow in middle of front of head; mesal gap in the fring of setae on posterior margin of abdominal segment 7; mohawk of fine hairs running down middle of back from back of head to end of its abdomen.. | Males w/slender paraprocts & a prominent retangular hammer on 9th segment. Female subgenital plate is unproduced. Long & short winged forms occur for both sexes.. |
Species | baumanni | Cascades Stone. | . | Length: 20 - 33 mm. Head & thorax relatively dark. Emergence: Jun - Sep.. |
Species | theodora | Montana Stone. | . | . |
Hesperoperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Hesperoperla | . | Paraprocts are small and triangular, and 9th seg bears a large quadrangular hammer, females have moderately produced subgenital plate, and nymphs. | . |
Species | pacifica | Golden Stone. | Nymphs w/wide longitudinal (hourglass-shaped) yellow band extending from middle ocellus to labrum; fluffy white gills between its tails. Habitat preference: fast rocky runs & riffles.. | Length: 20 - 30 mm. Body color: yellow orange. (m) w/quadrate hammer; (f) w/produced subgenital plate. Emergence: Apr-Sep.. |
Perlodidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Perlodidae | Perlodid | Tails equal in length or longer than abdomen; no branching gills behind base of legs; metathoracic wingpads strongly diverging from body. | . |
Arcynopteryx | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Arcynopteryx | . | . | . |
Species | compacta | . | Two teeth on the lacinia; two relatively long finger-like gills on the underside of the head.. | . |
Baumannella | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Baumannella | . | . | . |
Species | alameda | Alameda Springfly. | Tops of the abdominal segments are bright yellow but have a row of several dark spots from one side to the other; no gills.. | . |
Species | luctuosa | Coast Stripetail. | top of abdomen has a dark stripe down the middle, tails don't have a fringe of hairs along the tips; lacina have two major teeth and are rectangular in shape with dense hairs on the top edge and on the sides.. | Length: .6-.8" Emerge May - Jul. |
Cascadoperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Cascadoperla | . | Males have pair of upturned apical processes on 10th tergum and no lobe on 9th sternum. | . |
Species | trictura | Cascades Stripetail. | Top of abdomen w/dark stripe down middle; tails w/fringe of hairs along the sides of tips; lacina w/two major teeth and are rectangular in shape with dense hairs on the top edge only (not down the side).. | . |
Chernokrilus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Chernokrilus | . | . | . |
Species | misnomus | Oregon Springfly. | Top of abdomen dark w/3 pairs of light spots on top of each segment; tails w/fringe of hairs only along inside edge; lacinia triangular w/two major teeth.. | Length: 15 - 20 mm. Black with bright yellow head and pronotal patterns. Emergence: May thru Jul.. |
Cultus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Cultus | . | Lack gills; few setae on head and pronotum; males w/cleft 10th tergum, moderatlely developed but simple epiproct and long scclerotized lateral stylets. | Length: 10 - 15 mm.. |
Species | pilatus | Vedder Springfly. | . | . |
Diura | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Diura | . | Body fairly light in color w/ brown markings; head w/prominent, pale, egg-shaped spot just inward from each eye; no gills; lacinia triangular with two, relatively short, close-set teeth.. | . |
Frisonia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Frisonia | . | Males w/ 10th tergum cleft and a slender, somewhat cylindrical epiproct flanked by prominent lateral stylets.. | Submental gills present on nymphs and nymphs, but other gills are absent. |
Species | picticeps | Painted Springfly. | Quite hairy with a prominent row of hairs down the top middle of it's body, along one edge of its legs and tails, and on the back of its head.. | Length: 18 - 23 mm. Males typically short- winged, females full-winged and have several irregular apical crossveins. Male w/hemitergal lobes long, slender, and upcurved toward apex. Emergence: May - Jul.. |
Isogenoides | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Isogenoides | . | Arms of Y meet at back of furcal pits, front ends of which are connected by a line; base of Y connected to that line by a line in the middle that goes front to back.. | . |
Isoperla | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Isoperla | Medium Yellow Stonefly; Stripetail Stonefly. | Three longitudinal stripes on ad; no gills. | Males w/lobe in sternum 8; paraprocts harden/modified as hooks. |
Species | petersoni | Springs Stripetail. | . | . |
Kogotus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Kogotus | . | No gills on the thorax; single tooth on the lacinia; dark and light stripes on top of abdomen; front end of furcal pits not connected by a groove.. | Length: 15 - 18 mm. Male w/ cleft 10th tergum, unusual epiproct w/apex coiled internally.. |
Species | modestus | Sickle Springfly. | . | . |
Species | nonus | Smooth Springfly. | . | . |
Megarcys | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Megarcys | . | Nymphs and adults w/single finger-like gills on each throacic segment and on submentum. | Males w/clevt 10th tergum, large epiproct w conical "windsock-like" posterior process, well developed lateral stylets. |
Species | irregularis | (no common name). | . | . |
Species | subtruncata | Truncate Springfly. | . | . |
Species | yosemite | Yosemite Springfly. | . | . |
Osobenus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Osobenus | . | Gills are absent and the male 10th tergum is cleft; epiproct consists of an upturned dorsal sclerite surmounting a basal bulbous structure. | . |
Species | yakimae | Smooth Springfly. | Light stripe down the top of the abdomen and a mostly yellow head with a dark U in front of the eyes; top of the first thoracic segment doesn't have hairs or spines around the edges.. | Length: 15 - 18 mm. Pale brown w/broad yellow pronotal strripe. (m) w/lobe on 7th sternum, (f) subgenital plate large parabolic structure. Emergence: May - Jul. |
Perlinodes | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Perlinodes | . | Long finger-like gills occur on the submentum, neck, and thoracic segment; males w/large forked process on the 7th tergum. | Male 10th tergum is cleft, epiproct well develeoped but lateral stylets do not project beyond cowl of epiroct. |
Species | aurea | Longgill Springfly. | . | Length: 20 - 28 mm. Brown. Emergence: Apr - Jun.. |
Pictetiella | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Pictetiella | . | . | Bears short submental gills; no lateral stylets on male genitalia.. |
Species | expansa | Autumn Springfly. | . | . |
Rickera | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Rickera | . | No gills on the thorax; single tooth on the lacinia; dark and light stripes on top of abdomen; front end of furcal pits are connected by a groove.. | Adults of species resemble those of Kogotus and Baumannella, but males lack a cleft 10th tergum. |
Species | sorpta | Palestripe Springfly. | . | . |
Setvena | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Setvena | . | Usually found in small streams assoc w/springs; finger-like gills present on submentum and meso & metathoracic segments, prothoracic gills absent. | Brown body; male 10th tergum is cleft, epiproct and lateral stylets are well developed. Length: .8-1.1". |
Species | bradleyi | Alberta Springfly. | . | Length: 20 - 28 mm. Brown body. Emergence: May - Jun.. |
Species | tibialis | Olympic Springfly. | . | Length: 20 - 28 mm. Brown body. Emergence: May - Jun.. |
Species | wahkeena | Wahkeena Springfly. | Species currently known only from Columbia River gorge.. | Length: 20 - 28 mm. Brown body. Emergence: Jun - Jul.. |
Skwala | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Skwala | . | Nymphs and adults have long submental gills, but other gills are absent; clusters of fine hairs on the back of the head and along the top of the thorax, but not in a dense row.. | Male 10th tergum is cleft and the epiproct and lateral stylets are well developed; males often short winged, hide under rocks and streamside debris. |
Species | americana | American Springfly. | Males w/shorter hemitergal lobes than S. curvata. | Length: 19 - 23 mm. Emergence: Apr - Jun.. |
Species | curvata | Curved Springfly. | . | . |
Pteronarcyidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Pteronarcyidae | Giant | Body black; some branching gills on ventral absominal segments. | . |
Pteronarcella | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Pteronarcella | . | Gills present on ab seg 3; otherwise resemble small Pteronarcys. | Adults have a dark brown body and the wings are generally similar to Pteronarcys in bearing many crossveins. |
Species | badia | Least Salmonfly. | Common in streams at lower elevations. | Length: 19 - 25 mm. Males often w/shortened wings revealing dorsal lobe on 9th seg. Emergence: May - Jul. |
Species | regularis | Dwarf Salmonfly. | . | . |
Pteronarcys | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Pteronarcys | . | Gills on abdominal segments 1, 2 (not 3); corners of the pronotum of mature nymphs turn into very long, sharp points.. | Large; have abundant crossveins in the forwing anal area. |
Species | californica | Giant Salmonfly. | Common in large to medium rivers ot lower elevation. | Length: 2 - 3". |
Species | dorsata | American Salmonfly. | . | Length: 38 - 63 mm. (m): 9th abdominal sternum projects over 10th, and is notched on posterior margin. Emergence: Feb - Jun.. |
Species | princeps | Ebony Salmonfly. | Mature nymphs have blunt corners on their pronotum and evenly rounded wing pads; found in small streams from SW BC to California.. | . |
Taeniopterygidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Taeniopterygidae | Winter | Single gill at base of each leg or triangular plate underneath next to last ab seg; tarsal segs 1,2 about same length. | . |
Doddsia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Doddsia | . | . | Distinctly patterned wings and two ocelli; males w/apically truncate, pared projections on 10th tergum; process of female 9th sternum shield shaped. |
Species | occidentalis | Western Willowfly. | . | Length: 10 -15 mm. Spotted wings; male w/asymmetric keel on 9th sternal plate. Emergence: Feb - Jun.. |
Taenionema | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Taenionema | . | Taenionema mases are similar to Strophoptertx, but the apex on 9th sternum process is not sharply upturned. | . |
Taeniopteryx | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Taeniopteryx | . | Can be distinguished from all other stoneflies by the single, segmented, finger-like gill at the base of each leg; also don't have the plate covering the bottom of the last two abdominal segments as other willowflies do.. | . |
Species | nivalis | Boreal Willowfly. | . | . |
Created: 09/22/2004 Last modified: 08/25/2006