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Flyfishing Entomology |
Pacific Northwest Dragonflies (Anisoptera) |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Aeshnidae AESH-ni-dee | Darner | Body long and slender; voracious hunters; matures in 1-8 years, depending on species and geographic lattitude.. | Thorax with two side stripes or none; each abdominal segment with multiple spots or none; female uses the needle-like end of its abdomen to pierce a plant stem and insert eggs; vary in length from 2-5"; thorax robust; abdomen long and slender.. |
Aeshna | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Aeshna
| Blue Darner. | . | . |
Species | californica
| California Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: late-Apr to early-Aug. |
Species | canadensis
| Canada Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to mid-Oct; Length: 64-73 mm. |
Species | constricta
| Lance-tipped Darner. | Habitat: ponds; Length: 36-38 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jul to late-Sep; Length: 65-73 mm. |
Species | eremita
| Lake Darner. | Habitat: lakes. | In adult stage: early-Jul to early-Nov; Length: 66-79 mm. |
Species | interrupta
| Variable Darner. | Habitat: lakes; Length: 39 42 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jul to mid-Oct; Length: 65-70 mm. |
Species | juncea
| Sedge Darner. | Habitat: ponds, small lakes. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to early-Oct; Length: 61-69 mm. |
Species | multicolor
| Paddle-tailed Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: mid-May to mid-Oct. |
Species | palmata
| Paddle-tailed Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 37-43 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to early-Nov; Length: 63-74 mm. |
Species | sitchensis
| Zigzag Darner. | Habitat: lakes, fens; Length: 30-37 mm. | In adult stage: late-Jul to early-Sep; Length: 54-64 mm. |
Species | subarctica
| Subarctic Darner. | Habitat: lakes, fens. | In adult stage: late-Aug; Length: 63-70 mm. |
Species | tuberculifera
| Black-tipped Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to early-Oct; Length: 71-78 mm. |
Species | umbrosa
| Shadow Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes, slow streams; Length: 38-43 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to mid-Nov; Length: 68-78 mm. |
Anax | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Anax
| Green Darner. | . | . |
Species | junius
| Common Green Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes, slow streams; Length: 43-47 mm. | In adult stage: late-Apr to late-Oct; Length: 68-80 mm. |
Rhionaeschna | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Rhionaeschna
| Darner. | . | . |
Species | californica
| California Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 33-37 mm. | In adult stage: early-Apr to late-Aug; Length: 57-64 mm. |
Species | multicolor
| Blue-eyed Darner. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 35-40 mm. | In adult stage: mid-May to late-Oct; Length: 68 mm. |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Cordulegastridae
| Biddie | Nymphs are large, squat, hairy, and bury themselves in the sediment, may remain buried and motionless for weeks awaiting prey; distinguished by spoon-shaped labium w/large, irregular dentations in the palpal lobes; females w/a unique, elongated, secondary ovipositor.. | Body black with two yellow stripes on thorax, yellow spots on abdomen; eyesmeet at a single point on top of the head; female hovers over water,jabbing her abdomen into the pond bottom to oviposit.. |
Cordulegaster | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Cordulegaster
| Biddie. | . | . |
Species | dorsalis
| Pacific Spiketail. | Habitat: small streams. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to late-Aug; Length: 70-85 mm. |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Corduliidae
| Emerald | Body short and squat; inhabit streams, bogs, or coldwater lakes in more northerly lattitudes or higher elevations; often take 2 years to mature; don't move around much, prefering to lay concealed on bottom and wait for prey venture near.. | Eyes bright green or turquoise; thorax color metalic green or bronze; abdomen almost entirely black;female oviposits by dipping tip of the abdomen in water while hovering just above the surface. |
Cordulia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Cordulia
| Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | shurtleffii
| American Emerald. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 20-23 mm. | In adult stage: mid-May to mid-Sep; Length: 43-50 mm. |
Epitheca | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Epitheca
| Baskettail. | . | . |
Species | canis
| Beaverpond Baskettail. | Habitat: ponds, streams. | In adult stage: early-may to late-Jul; Length: 40-47 mm. |
Species | spinigera
| Spiny Baskettail. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: late-Apr to late-Aug. |
Somatochlora | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Somatochlora
| Bog Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | albicincta
| White-ringed Emerald. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 20-24 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to mid-Oct; Length: 45-52 mm. |
Species | franklini
| Delicate Emerald. | Habitat: sedge fens. | In adult stage: mid to late-Aug. |
Species | minor
| Ocellated Emerald. | Habitat: small streams; Length: 20-22 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jul to mid-Aug; Length: 42-50 mm. |
Species | semicircularis
| Mountain Emerald. | Habitat: bogs, fens; Length: 21-22 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to early-Oct; Length: 47-52 mm. |
Species | walshii
| Brush-tipped Emerald. | Habitat: small streams, fens. | In adult stage: early-Jul to early-Sep. |
Species | whitehouse
| Whitehouse¹s Emerald. | Habitat: fens. | In adult stage: early to mid-Aug. |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Gomphidae
| Clubtail | have upturned tips on abdomen allowing them to breathe while burrowed in sand or mud by pumping water in and out of abdomen through tips; primarily inhabit streams and rivers, although some species are found in lakes. | eyes completely separated; male w/widened segments at end of abdomen, female to lesser extent; require sunlight to maintain body temperature; crawls onto horizontal bank during daylight hours and quickly emerges; female oviposits by hovering and dipping tip of abdomen in water.. |
Erpetogomphus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Erpetogomphus
| Snake Darner. | . | . |
Species | compositus
| White-belted Ringtail. | Habitat: streams, rivers. | In adult stage: Apr to Oct; Length: 46-55 mm. |
Gomphus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Gomphus
| Common Clubtail. | . | . |
Species | graslinellus
| Pronghorn Clubtail. | Habitat: lakes, streams; Length: 29 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to early-Jul; Length: 47-53 mm. |
Species | kurilis
| Pacific Clubtail. | Habitat: lakes. | In adult stage: early-Jun to mid-Aug. |
Species | lynnae
| Columbia Clubtail. | Habitat: rivers. | In adult stage: early-Jun to mid-Aug. |
Octogomphus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Octogomphus
| Eighttoothed Clubtail. | . | . |
Species | specularis
| Grappletail. | Habitat: streams, small rivers. | In adult stage:. |
Ophiogomphus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Ophiogomphus
| Snake Darner. | . | . |
Species | occidentis
| Sinuous Snaketail. | Habitat:. | In adult stage: late-May to early-Aug. |
Species | severus
| Pale Snaketail. | Habitat: streams, rivers; Length: 25-27 mm. | In adult stage: late-May to mid-Aug; Length: 49-52 mm. |
Progomphus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Progomphus
| Clubtail. | . | . |
Species | borealis
| Gray Sanddragon. | Habitat: sandy streams; Length: 25-27 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jun to Sep; Length: 57 mm. |
Stylurus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Stylurus
| Clubtail. | . | . |
Species | olivaceus
| Olive Clubtail. | Habitat: streams, rivers; Length: 36 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jul to early-Nov; Length: 56-60 mm. |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Libellulidae lie-bell-LU-li-dee | Skimmer | Most diverse family of dragonflies; found in all water types; nymphal body is short and stocky; typically sit in debris on bottom and wait for prey to venture near. | most genera of this family scan for flying insects from perch on twigs or rocks, several other genera fly constantly during the day; emerge at night by crawling up vegetation; female oviposits by hovering and dipping tip of abdomen in water.. |
Erythemis | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Erythemis
| Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | collocata
| Western Pondhawk. | Habitat: ponds, marshy lakes; Length: 15-17 mm. | In adult stage: mid-May to mid-Sep; Length: 42-44 mm. |
Species | simplicicollis
| Eastern Pondhawk. | Habitat: ponds, marshy lakes. | In adult stage: mid-May to early-Oct. |
Ladona | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Ladona
| Corporal Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | julia
| Chalk-fronted Corporal. | Habitat: ponds, lakes, bogs. | In adult stage: mid-May to late-Aug. |
Leucorrhinia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Leucorrhinia
| Whitefaced Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | borealis
| Boreal Whiteface. | Habitat: marshy ponds. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to mid-Jul. |
Species | glacialis
| Crimson-ringed Whiteface. | Habitat: ponds, lake edges. | In adult stage: early-Jun to mid-Aug. |
Species | hudsonica
| Hudsonian Whiteface. | Habitat: ponds, bogs; Length: 16-18 mm. | In adult stage: late-Apr to early-Oct; Length: 27-30 mm. |
Species | intacta
| Dot-tailed Whiteface. | Habitat: ponds, lake edges; Length: 14-19 mm. | In adult stage: In adult stage: mid-May to early-Sep; Length: 33-36 mm. |
Species | proxima
| Red-waisted Whiteface. | Habitat: ponds, lake edges; Length: 19-21 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to early-Sep; Length: 33-36 mm. |
Libellula | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Libellula
| Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | forensis
| Eight-spotted Skimmer. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 18-21 mm. | In adult stage: late-Apr to early-Oct; Length: 45-51 mm. |
Species | julia
| Chalk-fronted Corporal. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to Sep. |
Species | luctuosa
| Widow Skimmer. | Habitat: lakes. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to early-Oct; Length: 43 mm. |
Species | pulchella
| Twelve-spotted Skimmer. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 24-27 mm. | In adult stage: early-May to mid-Sep; Length: 50-57 mm. |
Species | quadrimaculata
| Four-spotted Skimmer. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 22 26 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Apr to late-Sep; Length: 40-45 mm. |
Pachydiplax | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Pachydiplax
| Blue pirate Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | longipennis
| Blue Dasher. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 18-21 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jun to early-Oct; Length: 35-45 mm. |
Pantala | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Pantala
| Globe Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | flavescens
| Wandering Glider. | Habitat: ponds; Length: 24-26 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to mid-Aug; Length: 44-50 mm. |
Species | hymenaea
| Spot-winged Glider. | Habitat: ponds, slow streams. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to mid-Sep. |
Plathemis | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Plathemis
| Whitetailed Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | lydia
| Common Whitetail. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: early-May to early-Oct; Length: 43 mm. |
Sympetrum | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Sympetrum
| Red Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | corruptum
| Variegated Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 19 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Apr to early-Nov; Length: 39-42 mm. |
Species | costiferum
| Saffron-winged Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 18 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to early-Nov; Length: 31-37 mm. |
Species | danae
| Black Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 14-16 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to late-Oct; Length: 26-31 mm. |
Species | illotum
| Cardinal Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 18 mm. | In adult stage: mid-May to early-Oct; Length: 38-40 mm. |
Species | internum
| Cherry-faced Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 14-16 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jul to late-Sep; Length: 21-36 mm. |
Species | madidum
| Red-veined Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, slow streams; Length: 16 mm. | In adult stage: early-Jun to mid-Sep; Length: 40-45 mm. |
Species | obtrusum
| White-faced Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 16 mm. | In adult stage: late-Jun to early-Oct. |
Species | occidentale
| Western Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 16 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to mid-Oct; Length: 31-40 mm. |
Species | pallipes
| Striped Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: early-Jun to early-Nov; Length: 34 mm. |
Species | vicinum
| Yellow-legged Meadowhawk. | Habitat: ponds, lakes; Length: 12-15 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jul to mid-Nov; Length: 30-35 mm. |
Tramea | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Tramea
| Raggedy Skimmer. | . | . |
Species | lacerata
| Black Saddlebags. | Habitat: ponds, lakes. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to mid-Sep; Length: 50 mm. |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Macromiidae
| River Cruiser | Body almost round with very long legs; inhabit streams and rivers, sometimes lakes w/water movement; sit on debris on bottom and wait for prey to venture near. | Body large, eyes green and just barely meet at the top of the head; conspicuous single stripe on each side of thorax; each abdominal segment with a single central yellow spot; emerge at night by crawling up streamside vegetation; cruise down middle of sfream at high speed; male oviposits by dipping tip of the abdomen in water while flying just above the surface. |
Macromia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Macromia
| River Cruiser. | . | . |
Species | magnifica
| Western River Cruiser. | Habitat: streams, rivers; Length: 30-32 mm. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to late-Aug; Length: 69-74 mm. |
  | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Petaluridae
| Grayback | Inhabit seepage areas or spring bogs and are burrowers. | Eyes completely separated; thorax black w/numerous yellow spots; males w/distinctive, leaf-like superior appendages. |
Tanypteryx | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Tanypteryx
| Western Grayback. | . | . |
Species | hageni hog-en-eye | Black Petaltail. | Habitat: hillside seeps. | In adult stage: mid-Jun to early-Sep. |
Created: 08/13/2005 Last modified: 08/25/2006