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Re: Florida Caddisfly |
Copyright ©
Sean McCann
It might be a
Leptocerid. Seems like we don't have a very good caddisfly section of the guide
(not that many species ID'ed).
Nice photo. I believe it to be Nectopsyche, which is commonly called a
White Miller. The combination of wing profile and patterning are quite distinctive. It may be
Nectopsyche exquisita, but I’m less certain of that.
The Identification Manual For The Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Larvae Of Florida (by Manuel L. Pescador and Andrew K. Rasmussen) says the following about Nectopsyche species distribution in Florida: Nectopsyche candida, N. exquisita, and N. pavida are widely distributed and fairly common in small to medium size streams and rivers throughout much of Florida. Nectopsyche pavida also occurs in lakes of central Florida.
Created: 05/21/2006 Last modified: 08/25/2006