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Flyfishing Entomology |
Pacific Northwest Waterbugs (Heteroptera) |
Belostomatidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Belostomatidae | Giant Water Bug | Body oval and somewhat flattened; apex of abodmen with a pair of flat, retractile air straps;. | Body 20 - 65 mm in length.. |
Belostoma | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Belostoma | . | Hind tibia and tarsus similar to middle tibia and tarsus.. | Membraneof hymeelytron not reduced; body length 26 mm or less.. |
Species | bakeri | . | . | . |
Lethocerus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Lethocerus | . | Hind tibia and tarsus much broader than middle tibia and tarsus.. | Body length 40 mm or more.. |
Corixidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Corixidae | Water Boatman | . | Body parallel-sided and somewhat flattened; beak short, blunt and triangular; forelegs short with tarsus modified into a scoop-shaped structure; hind legs oar-like with swimming hairs; 3-11 mm in length.. |
Corixa | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Corixa | . | . | . |
Hesperocorixa | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Hesperocorixa | . | . | Clavopruina short and broadly rounded.. |
Sigara | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Sigara | . | . | Ground color yellowish with dark pattern on hemelytra strongly contrasting.. |
Trichocorixa | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Trichocorixa | . | . | Body length less than 6 mm.. |
Gerridae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Gerridae | Water Strider | Body generally slender to robust; femur of hind legs usually very long, and always extends beyond end of abdomen; larvae have 1-segmented tarsi.. | Adults may be winged, short-winged, or wingless, but always have 2-segmented tarsi; body length 3 - 20 mm.. |
Gerris | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Gerris | . | . | Body length less than 10 mm.. |
Hebridae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Hebridae | Velvet Water Bug | . | Body minute and stout; projotum as broad or broader than the rest of body; all claws apical; 1-2 mm.. |
Hydrometridae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Hydrometridae | Marsh Treader | . | Body slender with stick-like appearance; head elongate; legs slender; 8-11 mm in length.. |
Hydrometra | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Hydrometra | . | . | . |
Mesoveliidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Mesoveliidae | Water Treader | . | Similar in appearance to water strider; legs slender wigh conspicuous scattered black spines; claws apical; 2-4 mm in length.. |
Mesovelia | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Mesovelia | . | . | . |
Naucoridae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Naucoridae | Creeping Water Bug | . | Body oval and flattened; front margin of pronotum closely fits rear margin on head; forelegs raptorial; body length 6-15 mm.. |
Ambrysus | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Ambrysus | . | . | . |
Nepidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Nepidae | Water Scorpion | . | Either narrow and elongate like marsh treader, or oval like the giant water bugs. In either case, is differentiated by a long narrow terminal breathing tube; body length (exclusive of tube) is 15-45 mm.. |
Ranatra | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Ranatra | . | . | . |
Notonectidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Notonectidae | Backswimmer | . | Elongate, somewhat slender, deep bodied, colorful patterned body; beak stout and segmented; hind legs oar-like with swimming hairs; length 5-16 mm.. |
Notonecta | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Genus | Notonecta | . | . | . |
Pleidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Pleidae | Pigmy Backswimmer | . | Body minute and highly convex; legs short; length less that 3 mm.. |
Veliidae | Taxonomic Name | Common Name | Larval Characteristics | Adult Characteristics |
Family | Veliidae | Shortlegged Water Strider | . | Short stout bodied; may be winged, short-winged, or wingless; femur of hind legs doesn't extend beyond end of abdomen; length 1-12 mm.. |
Created: 10/01/2004 Last modified: 08/25/2006