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Re: Microns & Hellgrammites |
From: Ken
Received: Monday, Mon 8/22/2005 12:35 PM
Also, on my tail waters, there are a lot of hellgrammites. What fly is this the nymph of?
Microns refers to the size of the mesh. For example, 500 micron mesh would be 0.5 millimeters (1 micron = 0.001 millimeters), or would have approximately 50 holes per inch (1 inch = ~25 millimeters). In other words, the theory is that anything smaller than half a millimeter would escape through the mesh. As a practical matter, you’re unlikely to even be able to see anything much smaller that 2 millimeters anyway. If it were me, I’d go for the 500 micron mesh.
Hellgrammites are the larval stage of dobsonflies.
Created: 08/22/2005 Last modified: