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Flyfishing Entomology |
Common Names of Aquatic Insects |
Click first letter of Common Name |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
xxx |
Banded Forestfly | Stonefly | Prostoia | besametsa |
Bandwing | Mayfly | Callibaetis | pallidus |
Bandwing | Damselfly | Calopteryx | . |
Band-winged Meadowhawk | Dragonfly | Sympetrum | semicinctum |
Baskettail | Dragonfly | Epitheca | . |
Beartooth Sallfly | Stonefly | Alloperla | medveda |
Beaverkill | Mayfly | Ephemerella | inermis |
Beaverkill | Mayfly | Ephemerella | subvaria |
Beaverpond Baskettail | Dragonfly | Epitheca | canis |
Belly Snowfly | Stonefly | Capnia | vernalis |
Belted Skimmer | Dragonfly | Didymops | . |
Bent Snowfly | Stonefly | Capnia | licina |
Biddie | Dragonfly | Cordulegaster | . |
Big Slate Drake | Mayfly | Hexagenia | atrocaudata |
Big Yellow May | Mayfly | Hexagenia | limbata |
Birdhead Snowfly | Stonefly | Capnia | pileata |
Black and Olive Dun | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | johnsoni |
Black and White Spinner | Mayfly | Ephemera | guttulata |
Black Angel | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | cupida |
Black Caddis | Caddisfly | Brachycentrus | . |
Black Dancer | Caddisfly | Mystacides | . |
Black Dragon | Dragonfly | Hagenius | . |
Black Drake | Mayfly | Ephemera | guttulata |
Black Drake | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | . |
Black Drake | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | alternatus |
Black Drake | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | columbianus |
Black Drake | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | occidentalis |
Black Gnat | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | cupida |
Black Gnat | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | nebulosa |
Black Meadowhawk | Dragonfly | Sympetrum | danae |
Black Petaltail | Dragonfly | Tanypteryx | hageni |
Black Quill | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | . |
Black Quill | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | cupida |
Black Quill | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | nebulosa |
Black Quill | Mayfly | Rhithrogena | hageni |
Black Quill | Mayfly | Rhithrogena | morrisoni |
Black Roachfly | Stonefly | Yoraperla | nigrisoma |
Black Saddlebags | Dragonfly | Tramea | lacerata |
Black Sallfly | Stonefly | Utaperla | sopladora |
Blackfoot Springfly | Stonefly | Isogenoides | colubrinus |
Black-fronted Forktail | Damselfly | Ischnura | denticollis |
Black-tipped Darner | Dragonfly | Aeshna | tuberculifera |
Bleut | Damselfly | Enallagma | . |
Blue Darner | Dragonfly | Aeshna | . |
Blue Dasher | Dragonfly | Pachydiplax | longipennis |
Blue Dun | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | cupida |
Blue Dun | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | johnsoni |
Blue Dun | Mayfly | Paraleptophlebia | adoptiva |
Blue Dun | Mayfly | Paraleptophlebia | bicornuta |
Blue Dun | Mayfly | Paraleptophlebia | debilis |
Blue pirate Skimmer | Dragonfly | Pachydiplax | . |
Blue Quill | Mayfly | Epeorus | pleuralis |
Blue Quill | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | johnsoni |
Blue Quill | Mayfly | Paraleptophlebia | . |
Blue Quill | Mayfly | Paraleptophlebia | adoptiva |
Blue Quill Spinner | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | johnsoni |
Blue Quill Spinner (f) | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | johnsoni |
Blue Wing | Mayfly | Baetis | . |
Blue Wing | Mayfly | Diphetor | . |
Blue-eyed Darner | Dragonfly | Aeshna | multicolor |
Bluenosed Darner | Dragonfly | Nasiaeschna | . |
Blue-winged Hendrickson | Mayfly | Ephemerella | subvaria |
Blue-winged Olive | Mayfly | Attenella | attenuata |
Blue-winged Olive | Mayfly | Baetis | . |
Blue-winged Olive | Mayfly | Diphetor | . |
Blue-winged Olive | Mayfly | Drunella | cornuta |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Attenella | attenuata |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Baetis | . |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Dannella | simplex |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | . |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | cornuta |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | cornutella |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | flavilinea |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | lata |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | longicornis |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Drunella | walkeri |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Ephemerella | excrucians |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Plauditus | punctiventris |
Blue-winged Olive Dun | Mayfly | Procloeon | . |
Blue-winged Olive Upright | Mayfly | Ephemerella | dorothea |
Blue-winged Red Quill | Mayfly | Cinygmula | . |
Blue-winged Red Quill | Mayfly | Ephemerella | needhami |
Blue-winged Rusty Dun | Mayfly | Baetis | brunneicolor |
Blue-winged Yellow Quill | Mayfly | Eurylophella | doris |
Bluntlobe Forestfly | Stonefly | Malenka | depressa |
Bog | Damselfly | Amphiagrion | . |
Bog Dancer | Damselfly | Argiallagma | . |
Bog Darner | Dragonfly | Gomphaeschna | . |
Bog Skimmer | Dragonfly | Somatochlora | . |
Boise Snowfly | Stonefly | Utacapnia | nedia |
Borcher's | Mayfly | Ephemerella | subvaria |
Borcher's Drake | Mayfly | Ephemerella | subvaria |
Borcher's Drake | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | cupida |
Borcher's Drake | Mayfly | Leptophlebia | nebulosa |
Boreal Bluet | Damselfly | Enallagma | boreale |
Boreal Sallfly | Stonefly | Sweltsa | borealis |
Boreal Stone | Stonefly | Acroneuria | lycorias |
Boreal Stripetail | Stonefly | Isoperla | transmarina |
Boreal Willowfly | Stonefly | Taeniopteryx | nivalis |
Broken Forestfly | Stonefly | Soyedina | interrupta |
Brown and White Spinner | Mayfly | Ephemera | guttulata |
Brown Bivisible | Mayfly | Litobrancha | recurvata |
Brown Checkered Summer Sedge | Caddisfly | Plectrocnemia | . |
Brown Checkered Summer Sedge | Caddisfly | Polycentropus | . |
Brown Drake | Mayfly | Ephemera | simulans |
Brown Drake | Mayfly | Litobrancha | recurvata |
Brown Dun | Mayfly | Ameletus | . |
Brown Hen Spinner | Mayfly | Ephemerella | dorothea |
Brown Hen Spinner | Mayfly | Ephemerella | subvaria |
Brown Quill Spinner | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | alternatus |
Brown Quill Spinner | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | occidentalis |
Brown Quill Spinner | Mayfly | Siphlonurus | quebecensis |
Brown Roachfly | Stonefly | Yoraperla | mariana |
Brown Sedge | Caddisfly | Heteroplectron | . |
Brown-veined Forestfly | Stonefly | Podmosta | obscura |
Brush-tipped Emerald | Dragonfly | Somatochlora | walshii |
Bullshorn Needlefly | Stonefly | Paraleuctra | forcipata |
Burrowing Mayfly | Mayfly | Hexagenia | limbata |
BWO (see Blue-winged Olive) | Mayfly | . | . |
Created: 09/17/2004 Last modified: 08/25/2006