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Mayfly Distribution - Lewis Co. |
Scientific Name | County | Location |
Acentrella insignificans | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Acentrella insignificans | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Acentrella turbida | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Acentrella turbida | Lewis | Stillman Cr |
Ameletus celer | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ameletus majusculus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ameletus majusculus | Lewis | Paradise R |
Ameletus pritchardi | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ameletus validus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ameletus validus | Lewis | Skate Cr |
Attenella delantala | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Attenella delantala | Lewis | Skookumchuck R |
Attenella delantala | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Attenella margarita | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Baetis bicaudatus | Lewis | Butler Cr |
Baetis bicaudatus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Baetis bicaudatus | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Baetis brunneicolor | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Butler Cr |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Johnson C |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Nickle Cr |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Skookumchuck R |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Stillman Cr |
Baetis tricaudatus | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Callibaetis ferrugineus hageni | Lewis | Reflection Lakes |
Caudatella heterocaudata | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Caudatella heterocaudata | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Caudatella hystrix | Lewis | Skookumchuck R |
Caudatella jacobi | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Cinygma integrum | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Cinygmula gartrelli | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Cinygmula gartrelli | Lewis | Skate Cr |
Cinygmula mimus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Diphetor hageni | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Diphetor hageni | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Drunella coloradensis | Lewis | Butler Cr |
Drunella coloradensis | Lewis | Nickel Cr |
Drunella coloradensis | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Drunella coloradensis | Lewis | Skate Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Butler Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Johnson Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Nickle Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | North Fork Newaukum R |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Skate Cr |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Skookumchuck R |
Drunella doddsii | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Drunella grandis flavitincta | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Drunella grandis flavitincta | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Drunella grandis flavitincta | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Drunella spinifera | Lewis | Butter Cr |
Drunella spinifera | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Drunella spinifera | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Drunella spinifera | Lewis | Skookumchuck R |
Drunella spinifera | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Epeorus deceptivus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Epeorus deceptivus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Epeorus deceptivus | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Epeorus deceptivus | Lewis | Skate Cr |
Epeorus grandis | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Epeorus grandis | Lewis | Paradise R |
Epeorus grandis | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Epeorus grandis | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Epeorus longimanus | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Epeorus longimanus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Epeorus longimanus | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Ephemerella aurivillii | Lewis | North Fork Lincoln Cr |
Ephemerella aurivillii | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ephemerella dorothea infrequens | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Butler Cr |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Cowlitz R |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Lake Cr |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Mineral Cr |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Scate Cr |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Ephemerella tibialis | Lewis | Willame Cr |
Ironodes californicus | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Ironodes nitidus | Lewis | Falls Cr |
Ironodes nitidus | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Labiobaetis propinquus | Lewis | Centralia |
Paraleptophlebia debilis | Lewis | Millridge Cr |
Paraleptophlebia heteronea | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Paraleptophlebia memorialis | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Paraleptophlebia temporalis | Lewis | Butter Cr |
Paraleptophlebia temporalis | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Rhithrogena flavianula | Lewis | Nisqually R |
Rhithrogena hageni | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Rhithrogena hageni | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Rhithrogena morrisoni | Lewis | Big Creek Camp |
Rhithrogena robusta | Lewis | Paradise R |
Rhithrogena robusta | Lewis | Simmons Cr |
Rhithrogena robusta | Lewis | Stillman Cr |
Serratella micheneri | Lewis | Centralia |
Serratella micheneri | Lewis | Rainbow Falls St Prk |
Siphlonurus autumnalis | Lewis | Skate Cr |
Siphlonurus occidentalis | Lewis | Ohanapecosh R |
Timpanoga hecuba pacifica | Lewis | Butter Cr |
Based on: Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the far western United States.
Part I: Washington
by M. D. Meyer and W. P. McCafferty.
Created: 10/17/2008 Last modified: 07/26/2021